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企 业 名 称:廊坊市四联兴电气有限公司

所 属 网 库:廊坊五金网库

联 系 人:郑国刚先生

职 位:总经理办董事长

员 工 人 数:11 - 50 人

主 营 产 品:电气焊加工 机床加工 数控加工

公 司 地 址:中国 河北 廊坊市广阳区 廊坊市广阳区南尖塔碾子营村

联 系 电 话:86-0316-2895118

邮 政 编 码:065000

移 动 电 话:13700....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0316-2895118

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:电焊、切割设备


    廊坊市四联兴电气有限公司,发展于2000年至今,已成为较强大的加工制造企业。始终长期承揽着北京电科院伏安电气有限公司和廊坊电科院东芝避雷器有限公司零部件的设计与加工。在多年的历程中以高精的质量力求发展。完善性的加工设备:有新型数控CAK5058NJ车床、CA6140车床、C630车床、大型CW60100E马鞍车床、大型摇臂Z3063×20钻床、摇臂ZQ3040×12钻床、万能升降台B1-400W铣床、立式升降台B1-400K立铣床、GB4028金属带锯床、各种焊接机、气割、空气等离子弧切割机、剪板、卷管、折弯机等几十台新型的加工设备。本公司的技术实力有曾经在原国营企业任职的老工程师、技术师、技术力量雄厚,已具有完整性的设计与加工能力。以产品质量、完成工期合理性较低廉的加工费用为信誉,力求稳步的开拓与真诚欢迎新老朋友和我们共同发展。欢迎新老客户来公司洽谈业务! Langfang-Xing quadruple Electric Co., Ltd., the development so far in 2000, has become a stronger manufacturing enterprises. Beijing has long-term contract with EPRI Electric Co., Ltd. and Langfang V EPRI Toshiba Ltd. arrester parts of the design and processing. In the course of many years of high-quality sperm to develop. Improve the processing of equipment: there is a new type CAK5058NJ CNC lathe, CA6140 lathe, C630 lathe, a large saddle CW60100E lathe, a large rocker Z3063 × 20 drill, drill arm ZQ3040 × 12, the universal platform B1-400W milling machine, vertical take-off and landing Taiwan B1-400K milling machine legislation, GB4028 metal band sawing, a variety of welding machines, gas cutting, air plasma arc cutting machine, Shears, volume control, press brake, such as Taiwan, dozens of new processing equipment. The company's technological strength has been in the former state-owned enterprises serving the old engineer, technical division, is strong in technology, has been the integrity of the design and processing capacity. Product quality in order to complete a reasonable period of the lowest cost of processing credit, to develop steady and sincere welcome to the new and old friend of our common development. Welcome new and old customers to the company business!
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