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企 业 名 称:余姚市台研塑料五金工具厂(工厂)

所 属 网 库:余姚五金网库

联 系 人:张志茂先生

职 位:生产厂长

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:sanding pad 抛光盘 气动抛光盘 砂光盘

公 司 地 址:中国 浙江 余姚市 低塘街道环镇北路33号

联 系 电 话:86-0574-62265590

电 子 邮 箱:taiyan878@126.com

移 动 电 话:13867....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0574-62265591

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:海绵轮 其他气动工具


    余姚市台研塑料五金工具厂自2003年成立以来,一直致力于为钢铁、汽车、船舶、家具,重型机械等各领域的用户提供优质的产品服务,实现了商品销售渠道的全国融通。 “台研”品牌工具是我司经过多年的艰苦努力,越来越多的工业用户使用“台研”提供的产品,客户对我们的肯定是我们较大的欣慰。 “台研”人秉承历史的重托,我们庄严的承诺:完善产品配套,服务热忱专业,企业永续经营。努力每一天————为中国工业现代化。 拥有雄厚的技术实力和丰富的生产经验,本厂不但强化技术开发.生产制造.更重视产品质量及服务体系的建立和完善,为了开拓更大的市场我们坚守<质量第一 诚信为本>的宗旨 我们明白只有以满足客户的需要作为我们工作的“重中之重” 我们坚信,我们的付出一定会得到您的肯定,台研所有员工期待与您携手合作、共创美好未来! Ningbo Institute of Taiwan Studies of metal products factory was established since 2003 has been working for the iron and steel, automobiles, ships, furniture, heavy machinery and other fields provide high-quality products and services, sales channels to achieve the national finance. "Taiwan Research Institute" brand tool is through our hard work for more than a decade, an increasing number of industrial users, the use of "Taiwan Research Institute" to provide products to our customers is our greatest satisfaction. "Taiwan Research Institute" to follow the history of the great trust of our solemn promise: to improve product support, services dedicated professional and business continuity. Efforts every day ---- for the modernization of Chinese industry. It has strong technical strength and rich production experience, not only to strengthen our technology development. Manufacturing. To pay more attention to product quality and service system for the establishment and improvement, in order to expand the market we are guided by the the purpose of We understand that only in order to meet the needs of customers of our work as the "most important" in order to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win situation. We firmly believe that our pay will be your sure that we look forward to working with you to work together to create a better future
    余姚市台研塑料五金工具厂,余姚市低塘街道低塘村,主要经营打磨盘,抛光盘,气动抛光盘,sanding pad ,打磨机底盘,砂光盘;122,86-0574-62265590,如需购买打磨盘。
评论:余姚市台研塑料五金工具厂(工厂) (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
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网评:余姚市台研塑料五金工具厂的地址是浙江省宁波余姚市浙江 余姚市宁波余姚市低塘镇环镇北路33号,13867848926,0574 62265590,主要提供气动打磨盘; 打磨盘;。
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