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企 业 名 称:河北鑫海浮动油封厂

所 属 网 库:雄县五金网库

联 系 人:张在学先生

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:浮动油封

公 司 地 址:中国 河北 雄县 温泉路8号

联 系 电 话:86-0312-5821912

邮 政 编 码:071800

公 司 传 真:86-312-5821912

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:机械密封件 工程机械配件 挖掘机械


    河北鑫海浮动油封厂地处京、津、保地区中央,紧靠风景秀丽的华北明珠白洋淀和北方购物天堂白沟。厂长张在学热诚欢迎各方朋友前来我厂参观考察、洽谈业务。 厂长张在学系原津华厂总工程师,与天津工程机械研究所合作多年共同开发本产品。现又吸取美、日、德的先进工艺和科学配方JB/T 8293.1《浮动油封》的标准,产品性能可靠,使用寿命高达5000小时,硬度适宜,精铸型为HRC65~72,锻造型为58~63,工作面精度均在0.1~0.2μm以内,平面度可达0.0015μm以内,各项指标均达到国际同类产品水平。 我厂技术力量雄厚,经验丰富质量上乘、信守合同,产品实行三包。我厂产品特色:货全、质优、价廉,可任您选购。非标产品可来图来样加工或代为设计。 我厂产品适用于各种工程机械和建筑机械包括: 1?国产山推、宣化、上海、黄河、红旗、移山、征山、青工牌全系列履带推土机。 2?国产1.3~180吨全系列履带式和轮胎式液压挖掘机。 3?日本D50、D60、D85、D155、D355、美国D5B、D60、D7G、D8K、D9L、D10H履带推土机、德国R902-R992、卡特、小松全系列液压挖掘机。 4?国内各种型号的装载机、平地机、起重机、搅拌机、采掘机、打桩机、自卸车等。 Our factory located in the center of Beijing, Tianjin and baoding city area, closed to the beautiful pearl of North China and North Baiyangdian Baigou shopping paradise. The manager Mr Zhang zai xue sincerely welcome all friends to visit our factory in business negotiations. Mr Zhang zai xue is the Department of the former chief engineer of the Jinhua facyory. Our factory cooperate with the Tianjin Mechanical Engineering Research institute for many years to develop this product. and now absorb the advanced scientific formula from the floating ring seal structure of the United States, Japan and Germany.And in accordance with ZBJ83004 "floating oil seal" standard, service life of up to 5000 hours, hardness suitable. cast for-HRC65-72, working in the accuracy of within 0.1-0.2μm. Flat rate up to 0.015μm. Indicators have reached the international level with the product. our factory is strong in technology and abide by the contract, products has a goog quality.low prices and wide range.Non-standard products to map,accoding to sample or design for you is available, the charges are reasonable. Our products applicable to a variety of engineering machinery and construction machinery as following:
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